My Photo
Location: Montreal

Algis Kemezys is a seasoned image maker both in still photography and video. His photography has been exhibited worldwide while his mostly-documentary videos have played in international festivals and won prizes.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

8th Panorama of Independent Cinematographers Documentary Award

The movie was screened at the Trade Union Centre of Tessaloniki by the Secretary of the Department of Culture. Grigoris Katsiarmas.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Best Documentary Award for Mimetoliths

- 8th Panorama of Independent Film Makers - T.U.C.TH. - Greece
déc. 22, '06, 08:48 PM

BEST FULL LENGTH GREEK PICTURE Omega - B.Mplioumis - GR- Fict - 68' - 2006
BEST FULL LENGTH FOREIGN PICTURE Sonya - Kirsi Marie Liimatainen - DE - Fict - 73' - 2006
BEST SHORT PICTURE The letter - Martin Doepner - CA - Fict - 7' 31'' - 2006
BEST DOCUMENTARY Mimetoliths - Algis Kemezys - CA - Doc - 60' - 2006
BEST ACHIEVEMENT IN DIRECTING Glasshouse - Aaron Kim - KOR - Fict - 29' - 2005