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Location: Montreal

Algis Kemezys is a seasoned image maker both in still photography and video. His photography has been exhibited worldwide while his mostly-documentary videos have played in international festivals and won prizes.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Best Documentary Award for Mimetoliths

- 8th Panorama of Independent Film Makers - T.U.C.TH. - Greece
déc. 22, '06, 08:48 PM

BEST FULL LENGTH GREEK PICTURE Omega - B.Mplioumis - GR- Fict - 68' - 2006
BEST FULL LENGTH FOREIGN PICTURE Sonya - Kirsi Marie Liimatainen - DE - Fict - 73' - 2006
BEST SHORT PICTURE The letter - Martin Doepner - CA - Fict - 7' 31'' - 2006
BEST DOCUMENTARY Mimetoliths - Algis Kemezys - CA - Doc - 60' - 2006
BEST ACHIEVEMENT IN DIRECTING Glasshouse - Aaron Kim - KOR - Fict - 29' - 2005


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